Pre Settlement Loans

Pre Settlement Loans

Pre Settlement Loans are the kind of loans offered to the plaintiffs. It is the loan claimed for a lawsuit which can also be in a pending state. Before the case is settled, the loan is issued by us. If the case wins against the plaintiff, the plaintiffs owe nothing to the company. The plaintiff can get benefitted by this loan since a lawsuit takes more than three years to get settled. So, it is rightly called non recourse loan. The loans help to face the plaintiff immediate financial needs and so on.

The money is issued in the basis of an agreement between the lender and the buyer that is the plaintiff. We will verify some basic details about the case to both the Attorney and the plaintiff. During the case process, there must not be any money deal between the plaintiff and the Attorney. The Attorney should not issue the money to the plaintiff as a loan or debt. But he can suggest some of the financing companies to the plaintiff since the plaintiff do not know any details about this. The Attorney is a very experienced person who knows all the basic details needed.

The pre settlement loans process can be done in many stages. First, the plaintiff has to fill an application form which is available in online or he can get directly from us. When a plaintiff is involved in any lawsuit, it is hard to get money from the defendant and it will take more time to settle. At that time he can make use of our loan and can see the benefits in person. He has to fill the form in front of the attorney so that he can guide in all ways he can.

After submitting the form, we contact the plaintiff and the Attorney to clarify about the case. If all the provided documents are true, our underwriters will approve the loan as fast as they can and we will issue the money within hours. There is no need to pay money in a monthly basis to the company and we offer very low interest rates. If the plaintiff’s lawsuit does not win, he need not pay any amount to the company. He has to pay only if the case wins. So, there is no risk for the plaintiff in settling the amount.

There is no eligibility criterion for the plaintiff to make use of the loan from the company. He has to have a valid lawsuit for the case and an Attorney. We consider only on the reason for the lawsuit claimed, so the plaintiff has to be more careful in applying for the case. It has more benefits for the people who apply for this loan. Either the case wins or fails, the money helps them during their tough situation. Once the amount has been approved, it will be sent to the Attorney through wire transfer. If the choice of the plaintiff is wire transfer, then the loan can be issued within the same day and if their choice is cheque, he can get the amount after the cheque clearing.

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