Terms And Conditions

Terms And Conditions

Terms and conditions provided in this web site rules the usage of this website completely. The electronic service available on this website is absolutely to get lawsuit funding and get advices about lawsuit finance offered by our company. Please read carefully the terms and conditions of this web site before start using this website. Using this website will be considered that the users of the site have accepted the terms and conditions of the site. If any users of this website are not ready to accept the terms and conditions of the website they may discontinue using our site and downloading any materials from this site.


All the information provided on the website is completely only for the information purpose. We do not have any intention in making a relationship between the attorney, us, the third parties and the users. And the information provided by the user also will not create any relationship between the user, attorney and other third parties. The users of this website must consult their attorneys in order to use any legal advice provided by us on this website.

Copy Right

All the information, texts, graphics, pictures, videos and audios provided in this website are completely owned by us. We do not allow the contents, texts, graphics, pictures, videos and audios to be duplicated and used in any sort of commercial purpose without our permission. In order to use any of these a written statement should be submitted to us.


All the logos, trademarks are completely owned by our company. We do not entertain copying any of our logos and trademarks from us.
Links to other websites
There is no relationship between the links provided in our website. The users can enter into those websites at their own risk . We do not take responsibility for the information provided in this website.

Privacy policy

We keep all the personal information very safe provided by the users with utmost care. We do not use the personal information like name, mobile number, email id and all other details for any business purpose.

No warranties

All the information provided in this site is completely provided on an”as is” basis we do not make no warranties, claims, representations or any other kind for the information provided by us in and throughout the site.


We do not collect any personal information from any children under the age of 18. It is the duty of parents to take care while the child is online.
Public forums
Our website allows the users to post discussions, messages, information and discuss on this website. Once the information, discussion any other thing is posted it is publicly viewed. The users must decide whether to provide the information or not.


Our company has the rights to alter, revise or modify any of the terms and conditions of use at any time. Please do check often the terms and conditions of this website. If the user continues to use the terms and conditions we will consider that the user has accepted the terms and conditions.

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