Pre Settlement Loan is a kind of lawsuit loan offered to the people of Wyoming, United States of America. It is claimed in the lawsuit which is in process or for the lawsuits which is in pending state. The loans are issued before the case is settled. It is a non-recourse loan which means that the plaintiff has to settle the amount only if the lawsuit wins else he need not pay the amount till the case is settled. This means that the plaintiff owes nothing to the company if the case is lost. A lawsuit takes more than three years to get settled till that a plaintiff can make use of this loan.
The process starts with hiring an Attorney for the case. As an attorney has more experience in law than the plaintiff. These loans are most commonly issued for personal injury cases. The plaintiff can approach us after hiring an Attorney and filing the case in the civil court for the process. The loan can be claimed by filling the application form which is also available in the online. Or he can get the form directly from us. The form contains all the necessary details about the case and also the details about the Attorney.
Pre Settlement Loans Wyoming does not ask for the application fee, upfront fee and no other fee. It is unlike the normal traditional loan. The traditional loan asks for the details about the employee, credit history of the plaintiff, bank balance of the plaintiff and such things. But we never ask for such things from the plaintiff. All we need is a worth lawsuit which is represented by an Attorney. The Attorney increases the value of the case and he can make the case to win.
The Attorney of the plaintiff should not lend any money to the plaintiff till the settlement of the case. It is mostly used in personal injury cases like accidents, slip and fall, wrongful deaths and for burns. The plaintiff has to submit the application form provided with all the details about the cases. We will ask for original documents like police reports, case reports and bills paid by the plaintiff for verification about the case. After verifying all the records provided, our underwriters will send a funding agreement which is similar to a normal agreement to the Attorney’s office.
These loans are very easy to get and it has no formalities like the normal traditional loan. Only the plaintiff and the attorney have to sign in an agreement. The lawsuit loans are approved in a faster manner and we provide the funds with a very less interest rates and highly competitive rates. We will not provide any restrictions in spending the money. The plaintiff can use the money for his own personal purposes and he can think the money as his own.